Safety & Trust

Handmade Guild strives to create an online shopping experience that is not only enjoyable but safe and secure. See how we value safety and trust and continue to make that happen.

Purchase Protection

When you pay through Handmade Guild, our mandatory Purchase Protection is applied to your order. It helps ensure safe payments and gives you the right to claim a refund. Buyer Protection costs a fixed fee of $0.50, plus 5% of the sellers item’s price.

Secure Payments Refunds Customer Support Seller Reviews Sellers Verification
All payments are encrypted. They’re handled by our trusted partners PayPal and Stripe, who make sure money is sent and received safely and reliably.
We’ll issue a refund if your item doesn't arrive, arrives damaged, or is not as described. You have 48 hours after your purchase to file a dispute. Unless agreed otherwise, the buyer covers return fees. Find out more about our Purchase Protection. You can reach out to us 24/7 and expect a reply within 24 hours. Our team will review every issue until a resolution is reached. For our FAQ, please visit the Help Center. Check a sellers review rating and view the reviews they have received to help you make a decision on a purchase. You can also send a message to the seller with any questions. Always check for badges for a seller, many of these badges tell you about a sellers business practices, how they handle orders and more. 

We believe in building T R U S T

Along with Safety, Trust is an important part of Handmade Guild, see what we do to keep your trust.


Our secure messaging tool helps you find out every detail about the item you’d like to purchase. You can message any seller — just remember that you’ll instantly gain their trust by being polite and considerate.

Customers can leave a review for a seller once they have received the item and are satisfied with their purchase.

Sellers are verified before opening a store on Handmade Guild, this increases the trust and decreases spammers.

Fill out your profile and shop with information, let customers get to know you — being proactive increases trust, which can also give your sales a boost. If you see something that doesn't fit in our allowed products guidelines, please report it, so we can take care of things.

Sellers earn various badges for doing great things here on Handmade Guild, to learn more about badges, click here. These badges gain customers trust and can make sales happen.

For Our Customers

Purchase Protection Easy Checkout Secure Payments Dedicated Support Handmade

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Some Images by Monfocus from Pixabay